The Origins of Gasoline Grilled Clams
The first mention of gasoline-grilled clams came from an article in JoongAng Ilbo, a major South Korean newspaper. This unique method became popular after being featured in the Korean drama Crash Landing on You. The drama showcased characters eating clams grilled with gasoline, mimicking North Korea’s culinary tradition.

Clams, specifically from the Veneridae family, are a gift from nature. They thrive in river estuaries, where the water has low salinity and is rich in organic matter. These conditions are perfect for clams. Soft-bodied and slow-moving, clams are easy to catch and come with their own natural shells. This makes them a favorite food everywhere they’re found, including North Korea.
The West Coast of North Korea, especially near the mouth of the Taedong River, is a clam haven. The area has the right temperature and shallow, sandy seabed for clams to flourish. The city of Nampo, where the Taedong River meets the sea, is particularly known for its clams. The gasoline-grilled clams from Nampo are famous.

The Standard Process for Gasoline Grilled Clams
The process of preparing gasoline-grilled clams is simple but requires attention to detail. The clams must be placed with their shells facing down. This prevents gasoline from seeping into the clam’s shell and keeps the meat clean.

Some North Korean restaurants use special stands to arrange the clams neatly. For those without these stands, a bed of damp grass mats or gravel works well. This helps absorb the gasoline and prevents the clams from being soaked.

Once arranged, gasoline is poured evenly over the clams using a simple plastic bottle with small holes in the cap. The tool is basic but effective for the job.

The Grilling Process and Cooking Time
Grilling takes around 12-15 minutes, depending on the number of clams. A typical portion weighs about 3 kilograms. During this time, the clams gradually open. This means they are ready to eat.

People generally believe that only opened clams are safe to eat. This is because live clams snap shut when disturbed. When exposed to heat, the muscle that closes the shell loses its ability to contract, and the clam naturally opens. If a clam doesn’t open, it may have been dead before cooking and should be avoided.
The Gasoline Smell: Myth or Reality?
One common concern is whether the clams have a gasoline smell. According to various sources, the gasoline scent is not noticeable on the clam meat. Gasoline evaporates quickly when burned. Since the clams are cooked with their shells facing down, the meat stays clean. The only place you might smell gasoline is on the shell itself.

The Risk and Tradition Behind Gasoline Grilled Clams
Gasoline grilling is usually done outdoors due to the risks involved. There have even been accidents, like when a worker accidentally got too close while pouring gasoline, nearly causing a fire.

This strange dish raises questions. North Korea is known for its gasoline shortage, so why would they use gasoline for cooking? Some people say this tradition dates back to the Japanese occupation, while others think it started during the Korean War.

The most likely explanation is that gasoline-grilled clams were originally served to foreign visitors. At the time, gasoline was still rationed in North Korea, making it a luxury to use it for cooking.