Korean men’s way of conquering the ocean is fierce and decisive. They bypass The Theory of Evolution and The Divine Comedy. They seek the key to dominance from the ocean’s depths. Through trial and error, they’ve found a shortcut—directly challenging Cthulhu. This is a performance art almost every Korean man tries at least once.

What is Sannakji?
This dish, made with live octopus, is called Sannakji (산낙지). The soft tentacles crawl over the plate’s rim. The octopus’s playful eyes blink, warning or luring like a siren. Even the most ordinary Korean man can’t resist this allure.
“It’s smarter than humans. It has eight legs—smooth, pale. It pulls men into its black hole of desire.”
“Of course, not all men are disarmed. Some can’t even make it past the entrance.”

Eating Live Octopus: A Ritual for Korean Men
Eating live octopus is a unique ritual for Korean men. Not everyone enjoys this bold act. Some claim allergies, while others fear the octopus’s gaze. Those who pass the test possess natural empathy. They don’t shy away from etiquette. They are the kings south of the 38th parallel.

This performative act is rarely done alone. Men use it to impress important figures. Foreign tourists witnessing this clash may find it unforgettable. It’s like stumbling upon a Maasai lion hunt in Africa. The imagery etches deep into their minds.

The Standard Procedure for Eating Live Octopus
Korean men follow strict steps to eat live octopus. It’s like finding a key before entering a house. You can’t just bite into a lock like a reckless outsider. This practice is becoming a cultural export.
In Korea, cowards use chopsticks. Real men grab the octopus by its throat. They let its tentacles flail wildly. At the right moment, they shove it into their mouths.

“Maybe this way, it won’t remember who bit it.”
The real challenge begins after the octopus enters the mouth.
The Octopus’s Revenge and Korean Men’s Desire to Conquer
The octopus fights back. Even a mouse seeks revenge when exhausted. Its tentacles struggle under human saliva. To Korean men, it feels like a delicate tongue sucking and exhaling. This fuels their desire to conquer.
Skilled eaters use their incisors to sever the octopus’s body from its tentacles. They chew fiercely with their molars. The human tongue lashes out, subduing the octopus in a few strokes. After swallowing the head, they tackle the legs.

“Eating it the other way is risky.”
“The octopus stares as you bite its legs. What happens next is anyone’s guess.”
The Technique and Philosophy of Eating Live Octopus
The process requires skill. Eating live octopus can’t be rushed or delayed. It’s about balance—nine shallow bites, one deep one. Some Korean men taste the ocean’s tides and national pride in the octopus. It’s the ultimate test of courage.

Some diners try to trace Korean men’s courage through taste. They marinate live octopus in a saliva-like enzyme. They sell it in segments to curious tourists. But Korean men care more about the struggle than the cold corpse.
The Symbolism of Octopus in Korean Cinema
This shocking experience is reflected in films. In Oldboy, directed by Park Chan-wook, the protagonist Choi Min-sik says: “I’ll tear you to pieces. No one will find your body. I’ll swallow it all.” The scene of him eating a live octopus is iconic.
“After eating, the person faints.”

In Early Works, a film director and actor eat a live octopus daily for a challenge. They earn 10,000 won per octopus. The film sparked controversy.
The octopus challenge is a rite of passage. When characters eat live octopus, their inner self transforms.
In The Handmaiden, the octopus symbolizes “perverse desires” and “male-dominated sexuality.”

The Cultural Allure and Risks of Octopus
The octopus holds a unique attraction for Korean men. It’s hard to imagine this plain creature becoming a lifelong adversary.
A million years ago, Homo erectus hunted saber-toothed tigers. Ten thousand years ago, Homo sapiens crossed the Bering Strait. Today, Korean men conquer octopuses on dining tables.
Refusing the live octopus in group activities is like rejecting an emperor’s proposal. Some Koreans embrace this challenge. Influencers eat live octopus for views.

“When the octopus blocks the influencer’s mouth, the views skyrocket.”
Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai depicted octopuses with sexual undertones. Only Tang Yin rivaled him. The octopus became a symbol of power.
“The octopus is closer to life’s origin. It embodies men’s inner demons.”
Eating live octopus in public shatters timidity. It cloaks men in fearlessness.

However, some fail to master the technique. They choke or die. “Octopuses cling to the esophagus, compressing the trachea.”
This is the octopus’s revenge. Though rare, it raises concerns.
“Hey, Jim, we’ve developed a new way—massage the tentacles clockwise to lull it to sleep.”